ОТТА-orchestra Show



Video recording from 02.06.2024

Билеты от 25 EUR

OTTA-orchestra SHOW - The main instrumental multimedia show of spring 2024!

This spring, on March 23, in the Moscow concert hall, viewers will be treated to a large-scale multimedia show, where the group’s main hits will be performed. The grandiose instrumental show of the group "OTTA-orchestra" will take place as part of the large Royal Safari concert tour in Russia!

OTTA-orchestra SHOW is an incredible explosion of energy, light, and music performed by the group "OTTA-orchestra" and the Symphony Orchestra of the Moscow Regional Philharmonic "Instrumental Capella".

More than 50 orchestra members, more than 100 kilowatts of sound and light, more than 100 square meters of multimedia screens, original scenography, and special effects will create a unique spectacle and make you experience unforgettable emotions.
During the existence of the group, its compositions were included in the collections “100 Best Songs” and “100 Instrumental Hits”, and the track “Royal Safari” performed by the OTTA-orchestra received more than 35 million views on YouTube!!!
The group also received an award from YAMAHA.

Armenian duduk, violins and keyboards, drums, percussion, guitar and accordion, Belarusian dulcimer, psaltery, zhaleika and Indian sitar, Chinese hulusi, and pan flute - all these instruments are presented in the show like heroes of a musical theater!

OTTA-orchestra SHOW is not just a concert, it is a real journey into the world of instrumental music.


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25 EUR

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